Washington. Healthcare. Translated.

Who We Are

Mr. Eric Katz
Eric Katz Bio - English PDF
Efraim Katz Bio - Hebrew PDF
Mr. Eric Katz


Efraim (Eric) Katz, JD:

When a healthcare innovation faces a major regulatory challenge, success usually depends on diagnosing "What's Bothering Washington" – that elusive key for transforming a bureaucratic roadblock into a simple plan of action. Efraim Katz builds those paths, with an experienced approach to Washington’s complex mosaic of regulators, lawmakers and opinion leaders.

The result: confidence in tackling today’s challenges and anticipating tomorrow’s.

Efraim spent ten years at CMS, gathering a birds-eye perspective on Medicare reimbursement. Another decade in FDA policy provided insights into approval and post-approval demands. The combination of CMS and FDA insights is key in helping companies facing a product launch.

Efraim has helped clients:

  • Win a rare Medicare "technology add-on" payment for a high-cost, high-impact product
  • Prepare for FDA reforms that could uproot overseas clinical trials and manufacturing
  • Set launch pricing in an era of federal scrutiny over drug pricing, rebates and PBM safe harbors

Efraim doesn’t stop with the big picture, but incorporates the detailed technical acronyms: NCD & ASP; CPT & ICD, ACO & Part C; IND & NDA, 510k & PMA; 505(b), (c) & (j). He’s mastered reimbursement rates, technology add-on payments, breakthrough drug status and other keys to profitable market entry. He speaks the language of every flavor of healthcare player: FDA, CMS, NIH, HHS, AHRQ, DEA, DoJ, SEC, White House, Congress, OIG, FBI.


His career history lends credibility to his reputation as national expert for industry and investors. He was Executive Director of the US Advisory Committee on the FDA, then ran an R&D staff at CMS looking at innovative Medicare payment models. Efraim has been a pharma lawyer, a Fulbright Fellow, a public health researcher and an author of national health reforms. He reads JAMA for fun and reads Medicare Public Dockets as his personal cure for insomnia.

Efraim’s client base includes startups with a single product, pharma and device-makers with a mature market presence, investment funds, expert networks, law firms, other consulting firms and patient advocacy groups. He’s reachable at PharmaAndHealth.com.

(update: October 2018)

Eric Katz Bio - English PDF

Efraim Katz Bio - Hebrew PDF


Sample Publication:
Public – Private Partnerships In Israeli Pharma

Who We Are

Pharma: What the Herd Heard on the Street
Medicare Coverage and Reimbursement
Pharma, Beyond Wall Street
Medicare: Data and Factoids

Federal Agencies

No words of introduction are needed for major health-related agencies.

Trade associations

If you need to find the issues burning a hole in the hearts of an industry, check its trade association for policy papers (also known as lobbying talking points).

Contact Us

Pharma & Health
2833 Smith Ave. Suite 349
Mt. Washington, MD 21209


Phone Number:
Tel: +1.202.656.7711
Mideast Office Tel: +972.53.708.7080