New medical products don’t just need FDA’s approval – they need the healthcare system to cover them, and to pay a fair price… and to offer those assurances in advance. We can get you there.

Medicare coverage sets the stage for the whole country, and gets more complicated every year. Quality-based incentives, risk-based payments… we can give you a guided tour and lead you to a good result. High-profile, high-cost new products are a particular specialty.

The ACA (Obamacare) has spawned a decade of change – who gets insurance, what gets covered, how US healthcare dollars are spent. Yesterday’s reforms can help predict tomorrow’s changes – let us eliminate some guesswork.

When you run a major project involving health policy issues, and identify a gap in the team’s perspective, the need is usually sophisticated, weighty and… urgent. Turn to us as the policy work on tap, ready for anything from long, thoughtful analysis to a dramatic last-minute rescue.
No stone unturned.
With direct experience in FDA, Medicare, Public Health and Health Law, we can find where different audiences view
products differently to reach solutions that really work.
Translating into meaningful messages.
In a world with many, diverse players deciding a product’s fate, we have an unparalleled ability to translate your
narrative into the native tongue of every perspective.
Better, faster, cheaper… and fun.
We can save you from boilerplate, legal-ese and gobbledegook, and make it all fun.